Sunday, April 15, 2012

Where the heck did they get all those sewing machines

So, several times, on my way somewhere, on the bus, I've gone past a store with a lot of old sewing machines in the windows.  Now, I'm not talking about 10 or 20 or so....I'm talking hundreds.  So finally I got back there, with my camera and got pictures.  This building is on the corner, so there are windows on two streets, and two floors or windows...probably 8 or 10 floor to ceiling windows in all...and every window is completely full, top to bottom with machines.  I could not get really good pictures and, of course, when I went inside and ask if I could take some pictures from inside they said photos!  I told them I only wanted to photograph the machines, not the fashions.....but nooooo.  So I had to resort to Google Images for most of these pictures.

The place was fantastic inside.  All kinds of big metal plates in the floors and extremely industrial looking...lots of metal and concrete.  The fashions weren't bad either.  The store was called All Saints.  Apparently they have stores in other major cities with the EXACT decor.  So we're talking thousands....thousands....of old sewing machines.  Maybe I'll call their headquarters and see if they want to buy the ancient Singer I have that I paid too much for and doesn't really work.

I think some of these Google Image photos might be of some of the other stores too. The first four photos are mine.

               The one I managed to sneak from the inside, with shoes in the foreground.

OK, some of you may not be as fascinated by all this as I am.......I'm done obsessing over ancient sewing machine.

That same day I tried to take some more "fashion window" shots....without great success....But since some of my friends want to see every little they are anyway.

Loved this yellow blazer.  The outfit on the left is women's wear and the right is men's.  I really liked the balance of this display...

These tiny, perfect, little chairs....each about a foot and half tall, were in the window of an upholstery dealer.

Kind of hard to see what they did here, but it was chairs, with their backs to the window and their fronts reflected in a mirror at the back of the display.

                                      It's those colors again.  This time in upholstery fabric.


  1. Mo, it's Anna, Linda's friend. Call me! Let's get together.

  2. Mo, I don't know if my comment came through. I didn't know you were into sewing! Linda and I found this store as well. I pleaded "former teacher of sewing, retired," and they allowed me to take photos....
    Call or email, and let's get together!
    Anna (Linda's friend, from PCC trip)
    I love your blog!

  3. the reason they picked up an the sewing machine is that they have an " Industrial Age" aesthetic and a londoner ( Thomas SAINT) invented the sewing machine which is considered the start of the industrial revolution
