Sunday, April 1, 2012

Let's get the whining out of the way.....

OK, I know it's been over a week since I've posted anything.  So sorry.  Unfortunately, I guess I was trying to do too much too fast and my body decided to tell me to slow down.

First, my leg was hurting so much - even with handfuls of Ibuprofan - I could not walk for more than about 10 minutes and it started to become unbearable.  So I thought I'd take a couple of days off.  Then the group of ladies came to town who were part of a tour group that I had been on last I hung with them for a while.  On the first afternoon that they were here, I had lunch with them and then proceeded to go home and get really sick....all the usual things that happen when your body says "whatever you just put in.....GET IT OUT...."  I was still feeling sick the next day and not really great the day after that.  THEN, the day after they all left, I came down with a cold!  Drippy....congested.....feverish.... all that....  Now I know why the Japanese wear surgical masks when they go out in crowds.  All that moving around I do on the bus, sometimes it's really crowded....all kinds of germs being broadcast.... EEK.

                                    Poor me stuck at #7.  A prisoner of my own weakness.

 By the way, see that door right under my window.  Apparently that used to be a tailor shop a long time ago.  One of these days I'll get up the nerve to check the back door to see if I can get in there.  It would be cool if there were some old sewing machines or tailoring supplies in there.....

Hopefully, after all that, my immune system has built up a defense against the local germs and from now on I'll be fine.

OK....whining done!   Coming up.........Dinner at Eiffel Tower, Pompidou Center, Buddha Bar, Galleries Lafayette, dinner at Souffle.....


  1. I have been thinking about you and wondering if you were ok. I am glad you are on the mend. Your weather looks lovely. You aren't missing anything here but RAIN, RAIN and more RAIN.

  2. Nice to see a picture of you for a change. It's a good one.

  3. Hi Maureen, I'm so sorry to hear about your leg and illness. Take care of yourself. I was worried also, when we didn't hear from you for a while. Steve and I loved the photos from the department store, Buddha bar Eiffel Tower. You're a really good photographer.

    I just went to an exhibit at the DeYoung museum here of the fashions of Jean Paul Gaultier. It was very impressive. All kinds of corsets, and the made the mannequins look like they're talking.

    Steve says you should check out the Gustave Moureaux museum, and also he wants to know what appellations of wine you're trying.

    Anyway, thanks for letting us all in on your adventure. Love Kevin
