Sunday, March 11, 2012

Montmartre Cemetary

The days between when I arrived and now have mostly been spent exploring my neighborhood, going to the market to get food for cooking and eating.  Also, I'm sorry to report that my stamina is not what I had hoped.  I added extra walking before I left home, but I'm afraid, not enough.  I haven't purchased my metro pass yet (it's on the agenda for today), so I've been walking everywhere.

For those of you interested in where I am located, I am in the 17th arr., sort of the bottom corner, right on the border of the 17th and 18th arrs.  It is a street called Rue Truffaut...I assume after the famous French film director.  I watched his famous film "The Last Metro" just days before I left home.

One day I walked to the Gustave Moreau Museum.  On the map it looked like it was not that far.....I was wrong....  After walking for about an hour, I found it was closed in preparation for a special exhibit.  No mention of that on their website, of course.  Walking home it was mostly uphill.  By the time I got home I was very tired and very sore.  But, oh, the interesting things I saw along with way.  So sorry I have not been taking more pictures, but I will get better at remembering, I promise.

Sunday I went to the Montmartre Cemetary and......just because I thought it would be the right thing to do on a Sunday....I went to the Erotic Museum.  Ooh La La!  It actually was very interesting.  I especially liked the old pictures of the brothels.  The brothels from the Belle Epoce era were so lavish and elegant.  There also there were some very beautifully done Japanese drawings and tiny Japanese ivory carvings...very tiny with so much detail.  Of course there were "French Postcards" from every decade from the invention of photography onward.  Some of the more modern stuff was basically porno.  One can only look at so many........well, you many and so....well.....huge....  Although I didn't realize that every culture of every era seemed to think that a man pushing a wheelbarrow in front of him, with his huge cargo thereon, with a silly grin on his face...was funny.....but, well, it really is.  

The Montmartre Cemetary was fantastic.  It was a gray day and the leaves of the trees have not yet come it had a moody...somber atmosphere about it.  I took some general pictures and also searched out some graves of people I was particularly interested in.  They have a nice little map which shows you the way to some of the more famous graves, but in my research I had found others I wanted to see.  There was no way to find them without them being on the map.  

Any pictures below without a title above them, are just general pictures of the Cemetary and things I found interesting.

                                           The following two are the tomb of Degas.

                                                           This one is Gustave Moreau

                                                       These two are Nejinski

                                           This one has a dedication to those who died in the camps. The occupant is not a name I am familiar with.  Notice the small stones places on the dedication.  A Jewish tradition.


                                                              Natalie Boulanger

                                                               These next three are Truffaut with metro tickets that people have left in honor the his film "The Last Metro."

I hope you enjoyed these pictures.  I will try to get better at taking pictures.

Tomorrow......actually today's 6:30am and I've been e-mailing and blogging for three hours.  I'm still trying to figure out how to do the blog thing...... so Today I will attempt to buy my metro pass.  I'm still being shy about using my French, but I will get more friend did a wonderful job of tutoring is I who am lacking in the courage to just go for it.  I know the words, I just need to say them.

Bonne Journee. 


  1. fabulous!!! i'm so happy you are there safe and sound. i am living vicariously, and so proud of you for conquering the blogoshpere to keep us updated. Can't wait to see what the next three months turns into for you.
    GO MO! XOL

  2. So beautiful Mo! Keep up the good work, the pictures are great.... Oh I'm so jealous. You are so brave!


  3. Beautiful photos, Mo! You have a great way of writing - I feel like I'm right there with you. I laughed out loud at your description of the museum photo - ha ha ha! Miss you terribly but we are so happy for you. Looking forward to your next blog. By the way - we heard the big house has been sold to a young couple with a small child. Also, Tim's been watching them putting in the drain next to the driveway and the water from that house and yours is going into the street. All is good! Love you!

  4. I have been checking this site daily. I too am living vicariously
    through you. Mike was excited to see the cemetery. We toured it when we were there. Actually spent HOURS there. What I remember most
    from out trip were the STAIRS, STAIRS and more STAIRS.
    Enjoy! I can't wait to read the next post. Yes, you will have new neighbors when you get home.
    Linda & Mike

  5. Love your pics, Mo. It's all super gorgeous. But really, you think you're weak after hiking miles on cement? Jeez, Louise, I'd be laying down right on the sidewalk! Keep on keepin' on, and by the way, your pad looks very cool, in a mod French sort of way.


  6. Well, you know what they say about boys and their wheelbarrows...I am loving your blog! I am so happy you are letting us peek in at your daily life. I've been able to use it to convince Jon that we should follow suit at some point in our lives. I can't wait for the next post! Love you!
