Monday, February 20, 2012

Preparing and Studying

I am going to  live in Paris for three months...March, April and May, 2012.  I can hardly believe the date is almost here.  While I am there, I will attempt to post some pictures and a little chat so that my friends back home can follow along on my adventure.

I will be arriving in Paris on the 7th of March but don't look for any posts immediately.  It will probaby take me a while to get set up and adjust to the new times and the new ways.

I've been studying French for the last few months with the help of my best friend, Virginia, who has been studying it since high school.  I, on the other hand, had never studied another language until now. 
Here is a picture of the state of my table....cluttered with French books , verb books, plus pages and pages of notes.

I have another equally cluttered table covered with books and materials regarding all the places I want to visit.  Soon it will be piles of stuff I will have to find room for in my suitcases. 


  1. Yay! I am so excited to follow you around Paris!

  2. Hey Maureen,

    I'm going to spend more time looking at this but what I've seen so far looks really great. You have a good eye for a pic (really liked the stuffed animaux. Kevin wants to see more guys. Your not having trouble with those cafe Romeos are you? Makes me want to visit Paris again.

    all the best,
